Heres a 'How to' guide to go with my how to video here :) I will discuss the 3 methods used with traditional worry beads and how these can be adapted to suit Worry Knot jewellery better. Then I will introduce a technique I am calling the Worry Knot techniques which I have tried and tested during the past few weeks that really suit the size, shape and textures of my Worry Knot Jewellery. 1. EASY The first is called easy, it is the most simple and easy thing to do with the beads, you just hold them in one palm and just listen to the sound they make as you roll them in your palm. I find this just as relieving as biting my nails. 2. QUIET METHODS You simply hold the gem in one hand and the knot in the other and separate the string out slightly The aim is to just slide the beads down the string, quietly and slowly, focussing on how slowly and quietly you can do it. I find this super calming and with my Worry Knots using smaller and lighter beads than traditio...
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